
Stay away FLU!

Some Tips from the FLY LADY (www.flylady.net) on keeping healthy during the ever- dreaded flu season coming up. We all know these things, but reminders never hurt!! 1. Wash Your Hands often with hot soapy water while you sing happy birthday. 2. Use hand sanitizer in addition to hand washing and when you can't wash your hands. 3. Don't touch your face, nose and eyes with your hands. 4. Cover your mouth with your inside elbow when you cough or sneeze instead of your hand. 5. Wash your hands before you eat. 6. Wash your hands immediately when you get home. 7. Put out clean hand towels every day. 8. Use a fork or a spoon so you are not handling your food. 9. Limit exposure by staying home more for meals. 10. Make a grocery list and shop once a week. 11. If you are sick; stay home! Martyrs spread more germs!

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